Well, it's been two weeks and chickens sure do grow up fast. During the past two weeks, Casey and Bob have been hard at work converting Bob's dilapidated goat shed into a chicken coop for the Sullys (so far, they are all named Sully), while the Sullys have been hard at work polishing off a ten pound bag of chick feed.
The plan is: during the evening the Sullys have access to the whole shed (except for a closet area where their food is kept), but are encourage to mostly hang out in the coop area.
In the morning, Casey and I will collect eggs and let them into their small, outdoor, fenced-in area via a sliding door.
The shed seems pretty secure, but I am still afraid of predators. The spotty Sullys seem to be smarter than the black Sullys, as we were able to teach them how to get up to their coop area relatively fast.
They all seem kind of dumb, though.
Here's a video Casey took!