Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monster Pomelo

Casey and I have been getting a box of produce every week, which is really fun, but sometimes there just isn't enough fruit to satisfy Casey. So we went to the Milk Pail, which is this super-crazy (at least on a Saturday) "european style" market with cheese, produce, meat, etc. Casey found a really huge pomelo that he was very proud of. 
We were all forced to pose with the huge pomelo:

Elsie hates pomelos:
When it came time to actually eating said pomelo, it turned out that most of the hugeness was in the skin:
Still, we filled up a large tupperware with delicious pomelo meat and ate it for several days. It tastes similar to grapefruit, but a little milder. you can read about pomelos on the internet:


emily said...

I cannot figure out how to make a link. I put "insert link" but it came out blank. I apologize to any people who might have our blog on Google Reader or something, because this post probably came up like 4 times because of my internet ineptitude.

chris said...

That is a big pomelo.

I saw your post only 1X on google reader, so all is ok as far as I can tell.

How are the chickens?

Roxanne said...

looks like you're ready to shot-put it....i love the look on Elsie's face.