Friday, January 16, 2009

Animal Pictures

It seems as though Casey and I end up taking mainly pictures of animals, instead of the people we know and care about. Anyway, we went to the city recently to catch up with a friend of mine from high school and came across this magnificent sight.  Aficionados of will recognize this pair and we saw them in real life! Luckily Casey was smart enough to snap this picture:
Then last weekend we went to Half Moon Bay to look at a farm and feed store. Casey wants to get chickens and we wanted to check out their chicks and coop supplies.  They had some adorable baby bunnies that Casey would not let me take home. They were really cute.
Couldn't you just imagine how cute it would be if I could train the bunny to sit on Elsie?  Maybe something like this (without the cage bars on the bunny):
That would definitely get Elsie's fat ass on cuteoverload.


JB said...

awesome photoshop job, that made me Laugh Out Loud or "L.O.L." for those more pf=roficient with the internets.

emily said...

Is pf=roficient something the kids are saying these days? I can't keep up.
Thanks, btw, I keep amazing even myself with my photoshopping skills.

lmp123 said...

That's great! I've been having fantasies about Bones riding Colbert around the house. I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.

emily said...

you should seriously consider getting a bunny, then. If you could get a picture of a bunny on a cat on a dog, it would be so adorable the camera would probably explode.

JB said...

In her defense.. Elsie may already be on top of a bunny or a whole family of bunnies in that picture...

~Bananas! said...

I'm glad we're not the only ones that take too many pictures of animals!

Ed Dykhuizen said...

At first glance I thought that cat on the dog thing was a dog with a large tumor coming out of his face. Then I saw the words "CuteOverload" and was a bit confused. I get it now. What I don't get was why they were sitting in the middle of the street in San Francisco. Are they on tour or something? Do they go from city to city and sit on top of each other in the street?