Monday, January 26, 2009

Guess who got chickens?

Me and Casey!
On Saturday, Casey and I drove to Half Moon Bay to the the Farm and Feed Store to pick up a few chicks.  All they had left were some older chicks (about a month old), who are, admittedly, not that cute. We got two of the black sex-link (cross between a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Barred Rock hen) and two of the spotty ones, which are also a Barred Rock cross, I think.  
Our landlord found this cage for them and is keeping them in his laundry room for the time being. Now we have to get serious about building a coop next weekend. They are already eating and pooping up a storm. In a few weeks, thy might even outgrow this cage!

Bob's dog, Haas (or Hoss?) is extremely interested in the birds.  I'm hoping he become protective of them and will eventually fight off the plethora of foxes, raccoons, coyotes, and mountain lions that will inevitably try to eat them.


marta said...

congratulations! watch out for the bird flu, pox (chicken), and legionnaires disease. yikes.

JB said...

Awesome!! Awesome! Awesome!!

Good Luck, I am thinking back to fond days when my parents owned chickens, it was quite an adventure. Are they all hens?

Unknown said...

That's funny, I just got 7 seven chickens. 4's not bad though.

~Bananas! said...

I can't believe this.

~Bananas! said...

Is it for eggs or will you or Casey be occasionally sharpening an ax? You guys have me thinking, "chickens.."

JB said...

Also Casey, I dont know if you know this or not, but once high school is over, so are your FFA requirements. You don't get extra credit or a sweet new corduroy jacket for this.

emily said...

Since the farm store claims that 90% of their chickens are females. That means there is a 40% chance we will be sharpening an axe.

casey said...

hey JB,
boy do i miss my old ffa corduroy jacket! one of my most celebrated achievements of high school was that I wore the very same ffa jacket for all 4 years.
also, 2 of the chickens are in fact pure barred plymouth rock.

Rachel and Russell said...

those chickens look like they taste good!

chris said...

That is totally awesome. Can't to say hello to your new food.

JB said...

I think its time for a chickem update... I am at the edge of my coop!