Wednesday, March 25, 2009

chicken update

Well, the chickens just keep growing. Not much else is new with them. I actually took these pictures a few weeks ago to show how chicken-like they have started looking.  It's hard to believe that they still aren't going to lay eggs for a couple months still.  They were 4 weeks when we got them in January, which makes them about 13 weeks old now.  They should lay eggs around 18-19 weeks. ugh. it's taking forever. Several weeks ago we started letting them outside during the day.  They don't have the hugest outside enclosure, but they love it!
They also love being held! (This is a lie)

Here they are in the morning by their sliding door, waiting to be let out.
Here are a couple current pictures.  In just a couple of weeks they have really gotten a lot bigger (maybe you can't really tell from the pictures)
They are supposed to be eating our produce scraps (but don't feed them eggshells or they will get a taste for them!), but so far the only thing they really like is this "miner's lettuce" that grows outside like a weed. I'm hoping they will start eating more of our garbage once they go off the chick feed and on to adult food. That chick food is probably like candy, and old potato peels don't seem that delicious in comparison. Why the weeds outside are so delicious escapes me, however.

I will post again as soon as they start laying eggs or generally start doing anything interesting, besides eating or pooping.


JB said...

Thanks for the chicken update!!! We gave our chickens egg shells all the time, and they loved it! it (obviously) provides a lot of nutrients necessary for egg laying, and we never had a problem with them wanting to eat their eggs because they liked eating egg shells. I think only a genius chicken would make that connection... The grey ones look like the ones we had when I was growing up, they were great egg layers, but I remember as a kid being scared of them because they would peck me when I went to get theri eggs.

Rachel and Russell said...

your chickens look gorgeous. bg-gaak.

Roxanne said...

i know how it feels to be waiting week after week to "lay an egg". The pay off will be worth it :)

chris said...

Oh those eggs are going to be so precious!