Wednesday, March 25, 2009

multi-purpose kitty

Unlike Jack and Roxanne, who have three pets AND a baby, or Laurel and Demian with their 5 pets, Casey and I only have one pet (chickens don't count, although I have grown very attached to them). Therefore, Elsie is forced to fulfill many roles around the house.
Here is Elsie in a very popular role (with Casey more than Elsie) as a hat. Looking good, Casey!
Good save. It's a long fall for a kitty hat.

Casey also likes to get out his aggression with a round of kitty boxing. Here Casey is showing off his mean one-two punch:

That round went to Casey, although Elsie can be a formidable opponent.
Round 2:
Elsie is definitely doing some damage and gaining a lead on Casey.
until a DQ for biting:
Whew. All that boxing is tiring. Good thing Elsie makes a perfect pillow.


JB said...

I like how in the 4th pic she is rolling witht he punches... a multifunctional cat she is indeed. If you really want another cat, I think you could make one from the hair that used to be on Elsie's favorite chair...

Roxanne said...

Awesome post! Well, it's safe to say that I can't use my baby as a you've got me there.

marta said...

i love some kitty time.

Chris E. Keedei said...

Honestly, very very funny.