Friday, May 22, 2009


A week or so ago we got our first egg! How exciting! Here is the tiny treat:

Casey and I cooked up a tiny fried egg for dinner.  The yolks are so orange they are almost red.  
After the first egg, there was a few days without eggs.  Then we got a few more.   Now we are steadily getting a couple eggs a day!  These chickens are really starting to pay off. It's very exciting for us.

By the way, isn't it super cute when animals cover their eyes while sleeping?


dwstaple said...

It is super cute. That's a fact.

michael said...

Can I get some sort of reference on how big that dime is?

JB said...


emily said...

thanks.. we're eggstatic!

michael said...

This is udder ridiculous. Wait, crap.

~Bananas! said...

we get those cage free eggs, but never have I seen a yolk so orange! THAT YOLK MUST BE SO DELICIOUS!

Rachel and Russell said...

congratulations on you eggs. RIP red sully.

Unknown said...

eggs=lots of comments

JB said...


Roxanne said...

to the eggstreme!

i had to get one in there