Friday, May 22, 2009

recent activities

We haven't had a lot going on. Mostly working. But the weather is getting nicer and we are making an attempt to get out at least every other weekend. A few weeks ago we went strawberry picking.  It was the beginning of the season and it was incredibly muddy.  The upside is that we were the only people there! We picked about 10 pounds of strawberries that were so ripe that they only lasted a few hours before turningto  mush. So we (Casey) whipped up a big batch of freezer jam.  We are set for the rest of the year,  I think.

One unseasonably hot weekend we went to Santa Cruz for some R&R. Casey went surfing (we didn't get our act together early enough for me to take lessons).  I read a whole book on the beach and got sunburned! Good times.

1 comment:

marta said...

santa cruz.....sigh....