Friday, March 19, 2010


A month or so ago (if everyone hasn't already figured this out, every post is about something that happened at least a month ago) we headed up to Tomales Bay with Eric and Dipa to gorge ourselves on oysters. First we stopped at Point Reyes for some sundries. We got cheese, bread, wine, salami, fruit, and olives. Dipa tried a fresh olive straight off the tree. Apparently they were as gross as everyone always says. I didn't confirm this.
When we left the bay area it was rainy and cold. This really worked to our advantage, as Hog Island Oyster Company was totally empty on a Saturday when usually one would need a reservation. Plus, it was really nice weather up there. Here we are in front of the bay by our gorging table.
We shucked our own oysters (maybe 5 dozen total? I don't even know), and even tried grilling some. They were more poached in their own juice. I was surprised by how much I liked them prepared that way.
Then we headed to Point Reyes state park but the lighthouse was already closed for the day. So Casey chased some deer and we ran around on the bluffs.

It was really windy at the top.
Then we headed back to Oakland for some beer and pizza!


Dipa said...

Despite the look on my face in the last picture, I had a super fun time that day!

Roxanne said...

It looks like it was windy and a little cold, but that it was worth it! I think I'd love to try that fresh oyster with you some time!

Rachel and Russell said...

Would these be the deer equivalent to the scottland highland cattle that Casey was also taken with? Sounds like an excellent time.