Friday, November 21, 2008

Pescadero, Part II

After eating a seafood lunch and browsing one of the two stores in Pescadero, we decided to stop by a local dairy that produces goat cheese.  I love goats. I think they are very cute and their cheese is delicious.  Here is a picture of me in front of the goats (and two llamas, I guess).  They all seemed to really want to stand on a pile of dirt on the left hand side of the yard. It was getting pretty crowded over there.
We took a different route home and stopped at the beach. 
 The tide was out and we had a good time looking at all the plants and animals in the tide pools. Here is Casey looking quite dapper at the beach.

Good times!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Welcome back! It's good to see the hiatus in Madison is over. Keep the posts coming -- although the slugs kind of gross me out, too. Even when I know they're only digital.