Friday, November 21, 2008

trip to Pescadero

After I got back into town, Casey took a day off of work and we took a trip down to Pescadero. It is a very small town on the other side of the Santa Crus mountains from where we live.  On the way through the mountains, we stopped for a short hike at Memorial Park.  It was a lovely day and the park was practically deserted, except for park rangers. Here's me next to a large tree. Very California.  We are slowly accumulating a fairly large collection of pictures of us near large trees.
Here is a totally gross picture of a banana slug.  There were a lot of them on the trails, and since it is fall, they look just like some of the yellow leaves that are falling.

Here is me thinking about slugs and barfing in my mouth. 
I really don't like slugs.  I guess I never have. I can remember going into the garden at night and coming back in with a slug on me and freaking out. They used to all crawl on top of each other to die in a huge pile when we set out cups of beer.  But my true hatred came when I went to college in Oregon and there was a bad slug problem the first fall.  They were all at least 6 inches long and I stepped on one on the way to the dining hall.  It totally popped and I got slug juice on my shoe and it took weeks for it all to come off. These slugs were totally pavement colored, and shiny with slime. Ugh. I guess it really scarred me.  

Casey and I were wondering, are slugs good eatin', like snails?

Also at the park was a much touted "swimming hole".  Here is Casey next to it.  Looks pretty weak to me. 


JB said...

SLUGS RULE!!!!!!!!!!

~Bananas! said...

You know what they say, "If eating slugs was worth eating slugs, they'd eat slugs"!

emily said...

they say that?

emily said...

OMG! don't eat slugs!

emily said...

I mean:

Roxanne said...

So, I was about to eat slugs, then Emily said not to, so I didn't. I went to click on the link and it didn't work. So now I'm not convinced I shouldn't eat slugs.

Hmmm, what to do, what to do