Monday, November 24, 2008

No more video chat

During the past year or so while Casey and I were living apart, we would spend at least 30 minutes a day talking to each other on iChat. Right before I finally moved out Casey took a few pictures for us to remember the experience, since, hopefully, it won't happen again.  I just figured I would pass the good times on to all of you. A little slice-of-life, if you will. Videochatting actually really helps a lot to make a long distance relationship a little easier.


emily said...

also, don't make fun of my headphones.

Rachael said...

and thank you for making sure i wasn't at my desk at the time! (i have cleaned it since then, i swear!)

Rachel said...

Damn. I was just going to make fun of your headphones.

Roxanne said...

So was I, dern it.

JB said...

Nice headphones loser! Oh wait I just saw the first comment, sorry.

JB said...

Also, its nice to see the ole bay in all its glory, I thought it was my force of will alone that was holding it together, but I am glad to see it survives without me.