Sunday, December 7, 2008

Toby Keith

A week ago or so, Casey and I were watching A Colbert Christmas and Toby Keith was one of the guest stars. He sang this song about A War on Christmas, and it's actually a pretty catchy song, and a fairly funny video. But I know almost nothing about Toby Keith, except that he got in a big fight with one of the Dixie Chicks and he loves Ford trucks. So was this song a joke, or not? Toby Keith doesn't look like he's joking. But he really portrayed almost no emotion whatsoever,so it was really hard to make any assumptions about his intentions. So this instigated a period of intense interest in Toby Keith.He's from Oklahoma, and very proud of it. He really does seem to be a genuine good ol' boy. He worked at an oil rig and played football in Oklahoma for a long time before his music career took off.  He is intensely patriotic and very into supporting the troops (which I guess was the cause of the fight with the Dixie chicks) but is actually a democrat. The weirdest thing about Toby Keith is his unnatural Ford truck fascination.  It is integrated into everything he does. 
So, as it follows, Casey and I watched the movie he wrote and starred in, "Beer for My Horses".  We actually enjoyed it, even though there are several parts that really don't make sense. He basically just tried to jam in as many parts for old country singers as possible, which led to scenes of him talking a plumber for no reason, or running into a circus troupe, etc.
So, conclusion is, I can really see why Toby Keith is popular. He just seems like a really genuinely nice guy, and he does seem to have a pretty good sense of humor.  He is very unpretentious, without making a big show of being unpretentious. He doesn't seem to really take himself seriously and doesn't seem to really think that his work is necessarily all that important, which I like in an entertainer. So, I learned a lot this week about someone new, although I did not buy any Toby Keith albums, in case you were wondering.


lmp123 said...

here is something else about toby keith...he loves lynchings!

Grand pappy told my pappy back in my day, son
A man had to answer for the wicked that he'd done
Take all the rope in Texas
Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys
Hang them high in the street
For all the people to see

from the song "beer for my horses"
i mean, sure, he's just talkin' about "wickedness" and "bad boys" and such, but really, who was being hung from tall oak trees in Texas in the day of his grandpappy?

~Bananas! said...

Super Duuu!

~Bananas! said...

I'd say my previous comment is a little ill-timed. Laurel beat me to the first post while I was debating the proper spelling of "Duuu".

emily said...

I know, there is a lot of talk on the internet about whether that song is racist. While I agree it is incredibly insensitive, and kind of stupid, I'm not sure if it is necessarily racist. I think Toby Keith really lives a very sheltered life based on a very simplistic moral code. I think he sees life as a cross between High Noon and The Andy Griffith show. Needless to say, I don't think he really puts a lot of thought into his lyrics and the greater implications of what he is saying.

casey said...

I also heard toby keith loves hitler and killing babies.

~Bananas! said...

what about "Super Du"? I've been saying "super du" ever since Toby Keith did those Ford trucks commercials (well at least since july), but I just can't get any traction. Maybe I should just throw the expression into the scrap heap! People probably just thought I was lazily expressing "Super duper", which is totally lame; maybe this is the problem. just in case:

Super Du is short for "Super Duty". Super Duty is like 10 steps above "Heavy Duty".

I've been dreaming of the F-250 SUPER DU 6.8L Hemi Diesel Dual Head Engine & Drivetrain... you know the one with 6 WHEELS!!! Now that's SUPER DU!

I'm beginning to think this comment is too Super Du.

emily said...

I didn't even get the reference. That's just how ignorant I was to the influence of Toby Keith on society today. Until now. I applaud the prolific use of "Super Du" but, apparently, it might catch on better in the presence of a more worldly and refined audience.
Also, I think Toby Keith might hate Mexicans, not African-Americans.

JB said...

I learned something new today, Toby is an enigma. Certainly more than a archetypal redneck; I am still going to put a boot up all of your asses though.

~Bananas! said...

The two things Toby Keith does hate are Rams and Silverados!

emily said...

Super du

~Bananas! said...