Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Many of you may have heard that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is in trouble.  I was born and raised in beautiful Illinois, but I don't know much about the guy.  I had nothing to do with this scandal and haven't lived in the state for about 8 years now.  I do know he wasn't liked much by his downstate constituents.  He refused to live in the governor's mansion in Springfield, which really caused a stink.  Also, I know he didn't think much of Pike County (read God's country).   
Emily and I were at a tavern in gorgeous Pike County once and overheard some old timers talking about the governor.  Apparently, he had recently purchased the grand champion steer at the state fair and didn't know what to do with it.  When asked about it he said that he might release it in Pike County let everyone there hunt it down or something like that.  
I was curious about my memory of this story so I found the actual quote, via the capitol fax blog.
After reading the quote, I don't know if what he said was actually derogatory towards Pike County seeing that it is a popular hunting destination.  But he certainly did not mention Pike County with the reverence it deserves.  For example, Pike County is typically predicated with the adjective "beautiful".  
Anyway, the quote does make him sound like a total crazy person or at least a drunk person.  I wonder what he finally did with the steer.  


emily said...

Is the last Illinois governor even out of jail yet? Maybe they can be cell mates!

emily said...

Why can't I figure out how to post links? Can someone help me?

chris said...

I don't know if its possible to post a link in a comment. Its a short-coming of blogspot...though if I'm wrong I'd like to learn how to do that too.

lmp123 said...

I tried. With the html tags. I failed.

JB said...

I would like Toby Keith to put a boot up that guy's ass.

emily said...

Super Du

~Bananas! said...