Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Camera

After many good years with my not top of the line digital camera, I decided to get a new not top of the line digital camera. The lens on the old one kept getting stuck, resulting in severely out of focus pictures.
So here is the new camera.  It is much smaller, and it is "wasabi green" (it was, like, $30 cheaper than black). 
Admittedly, it is ugly.  But at least it won't easily get confused with anyone else's camera (except maybe Shrek fans, or something). But all in all, I am happy to have it.  
Can you tell the difference between my new 10 megapixel camera and my old 2 megapixel camera? Both files are the same size. 


JB said...

yeah, the first pic is way better..
just kidding.

emily said...

whew. I'm glad it actually does look better. They really don't look that different to me.

Roxanne said...

I see a difference, the new Elsie pics are really sharp .... AND I thought the camera itself was pretty too! I would love a new green sleek looking camera like that for Christmas...ahem...ahem

Roxanne said...

Hmmm, I was hoping Jack would have commented on that by now.

Rachel and Russell said...

based on Elsies expression, I think she likes the second camera.

emily said...

Really? I always thought of Elsie as a one-expression cat. It's good to know that she's getting through to someone!

Rachel and Russell said...

It could just be a direction of the expression issue... In the second photo the expression is pointed directly at you.