Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Reminiscence w/ Drs. U and S

The previous post brought back fond memories of Thanksgiving 2009 which we spent with E and D in beautiful Oakland. It was a totally awesome time. We prepared a super feast including lentils-cured pork products super dish, roasted capon, super fancy green bean casserole, cookie-cake-pie, coors lights, and probably some other awesome stuff that I can't remember. Here are a few photos.

A sampling of the spread. Some dishes are under aluminum foil or have yet to be prepared.

Brett Farve is salivating over that capon. It was that tasty!


Oddly, I didn't photograph any of the attendees of this super party. But, I was able to find this old picture of our hosts at another holiday. Here's Dipa dressed as Jane Goodall and Eric as Don Draper from Mad Men.


marta said...

wait.....jane goodall is the log lady from twin peaks? will the mysteries of twin peaks ever cease?

also, i'm going to need a pretty specific recipe for cookie-cake-pie. thanks in advance.

Roxanne said...

I often tend get food envy when I check your posts. Here we go again....also tie envy this time.

michael said...

There are so many mistakes in this post.

emily said...

That cookie-cake-pie was no mistake!

michael said...

Are you sure the pie wasn't the mistake?


"If you are eating pie filling from a can, there has been a disaster.

emily said...

What!?! Shouldn't the fact that there's BOTH cake and pie please everyone (although there is no frosting on the pie. That might have been a good idea)? Are you a cake fundamentalist?

emily said...

At first that YouTube link brought me to a trailer for "Valentine's Day" the movie. I thought it was an elaborate practical joke.