Monday, January 5, 2009

precious holiday moments

We had a whirlwind of a Christmas this year.  We flew to St. Louis, drove to Illinois to see Casey's family, took the train to Minnesota to see Casey's brother, then drove to St. Paul to see my family.  Here's a map depiction of the trip with pink for plane, green for automobile and blue for train.  It was a lot of traveling, but we had a good time and were lucky to not have any major delays.
Although we did bring our new, green camera with us, we have no pictures from Illinois besides a picture of me with the fried chicken special from the local restaurant in Casey's hometown.  
The rest of the pictures we have from all our travels were taken by my 7 year old niece using my iPhone (she says that it is her favorite phone). Here is sampling of the best pictures (if you can believe it. I have about 20 pictures where I can't even tell what she was taking pictures of-the iphone camera is not that great).  Here's the family gathered in the kitchen.
My mom by the tree.

Casey holding the cat.
Marta (my sister) and Miranda (my niece).
and lastly, the highest quality picture is of Greta herself!
This is shameful. We need to get better at picture taking.
Hope everyone had a good holiday season!


JB said...

When were you in St. Louis?... we were there for 5 days, we shoulda hooked up.

emily said...

That would have been awesome. I guess I should have posted something before we left.

Rachel and Russell said...

Based on your blogs it appears that Casey is really into chicken joints. I like the ipone pics too, just call it lomography and you don't have to worry about the quality.

Roxanne said...

Thank god you got the chicken picture. I'm happy with that alone.

~Bananas! said...

I like the name "Miranda"